Shelter bunnies
Did you know that a lot of times your local shelter will have rabbits available for adoption? It's true and shelters are a great place to look for pets. Here at our rabbitry we have a few mixed breed rabbits that needed new homes, either due to owners moving or behavioral problems (which can almost always be fixed by spaying/neutering). In any case, we fully support animals without homes finding them and even offer foster homes for those, that through no fault of their own (nor the fault of their owners, life happens to the best of us) find themselves in need. Often times the upfront cost the spaying/neutering is already covered with animals in shelters. We know the term "breeders" gets a poor reputation in some circles. But most responsible rabbitry owners have a true passion for their breed. And they work with their animals to improve on those standards of perfection. At the heart of it we all want our animals to be healthy, and to continue good traits such as temperament and typical breed characteristics. Our advice would be to really look around before deciding on what rabbit breed is best for you and ask lots of questions. Reputable breeders will know their rabbits well and be able to answer and provide a lot of resources for you. Healthy bred to standard rabbits will typically be more expensive because of the time, care and money that goes into providing for them. Look for rabbitries with "for life services" meaning that if something happens where you may need to rehome your rabbit due to unforeseen circumstances, your breeder should be the first place to offer help. Take the time to know who and where your buying from. How are the animals cared for and that there is no inbreeding or poor breeding of undesirable traits being done. Many rabbitry's are closed for privacy reasons and that's okay but they should still be able to honestly answer your questions/introduce you to their heard and living conditions. We hope this has helped in your journey and if there is any questions you have for us please shoot us an email, or DM us on Instagram (@tea_time_with_rabbits)
Painting for a cause
Our homestead is home to many animals, rats included! Not the wild rats you find outside but fancy rats that love to cuddle and play. They also have a habit of making some pretty cute art work. These little paintings come with a bio of a animal from a shelter waiting to be adopted and a percentage of sales is donated to a shelter or rescue all across the United States. Thank you for considering supporting our cause.
**Etsy shop link coming soon!